24v planetary gear motor wholesale gear can be divided into two kinds of soft tooth surface and hard tooth surface, then how to distinguish? How to choose?

First, distinguish from the tooth surface hardness of the two:

1, 24v planetary gear motor wholesale hard tooth surface gear tooth surface hardness is larger, usually a pair of meshing gear tooth surface hardness is greater than 350HBW.

2, 24v planetary gear motor wholesale soft tooth surface gear tooth surface hardness is small, meshing gear tooth surface hardness is less than 350HBW.

Second, distinguish between the selection principles of the two:

1, hard tooth surface gear because of its high carrying capacity is used for large torque and high power transmission.

2, soft tooth surface gear carrying capacity is low but easy to manufacture, good running, more used in the transmission size and weight without strict restrictions, as well as small production of general machinery.

Third, distinguish from the process steps of the two:

1, the hard tooth surface gear is after the gear fine cutting, and then quenching, surface quenching or carburizing quenching treatment to improve the hardness.

2, the soft tooth surface gear is cut after heat treatment.

The strength design of gear is carried out from the two aspects of tooth surface pressure and tooth root strength considering lubrication conditions. With the development of technology and the application of computers, the development of transmission technology in the world tends to adopt hard tooth surfaces. According to statistics, the use of hard gear greatly promotes the light weight, miniaturization and quality performance of the machine, and improves the working speed of the machine by a level.

For example, the rolling speed of high-speed wire rolling mill has increased from the past 30m/s below to 90-120m/s. The use of hard tooth surface gear transmission to greatly reduce the volume of the transmission device, can reduce manufacturing costs, hard tooth surface in the nitriding hard tooth surface, due to the depth of the nitriding layer is very shallow, not suitable for vulgar heavy load gear transmission, and the cost of the nitriding process itself is more expensive, so rarely used.

Surface quenching (such as high, medium frequency or flame quenching) of the hardened layer and the non-hardened layer transition interface is obvious, the hardness distribution of the shaven is too large, at the same time the hardening quality is not uniform, the root hardening is difficult, easy to produce surface cracks, tooth surface hardness is low (HRC55 or so), so the application is gradually reduced.

Deep carburizing, quenching grinding of high precision hard tooth surface gear, high precision, high surface hardness (HRC58+4), tooth surface hardening layer uniform and other advantages, especially suitable for low speed and heavy duty gear transmission. Its surface hardness is high, the contact strength is doubled compared with the tempered gear, and the bending strength is increased by more than 50% compared with the tempered gear.

24v planetary gear motor wholesale https://www.dydzmotor.com/32mm-24v-dc-planetary-gear-motor.html